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Every week, we have two services - both on a Sunday morning. Start Sunday lasts about 30 minutes, whereas Church Online lasts approximately an hour.  They both include a time of worship, listening to a Bible passage, praying together and a sermon (a short Bible-based talk).

Image by Tim Bennett

Sundays, 9am  |  Start Sunday


Join Sarah Sharpe for a fun and engaging session for parents and kids on Zoom.  Please contact Sarah for more details.



Sundays, 10am  |  Church Online


This service typically lasts about an hour and you can access it either through our Facebook page or YouTube channel. Previous services can be viewed here.


If you would like to attend the service at church, so we can safely manage the number of people in our church building, please reserve a place for this service by emailing the church office by Friday lunchtime at the latest (two days before the service). Please also bring a face covering and sit where indicated.

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